Do an energy-smart renovation

84097_optAs building codes become stricter in cities and regions throughout North America, the requirement to design and build structures that are more energy-efficient––and with a reduced environmental footprint––will increase substantially.

Vancouver recently announced changes to its building code, for example, which now mandates new homes and commercial buildings to adhere to higher insulation standards. Walls must now have an effective R-value of 21.86, and roofs must have a nominal R-value of R50.

While the changes do not yet apply to renovations to existing homes, the trend toward tightened standards is expected to continue. As a result, there’s plenty that current homeowners can do to get ahead of the curve. Minimum code remains just that––a bare minimum––and it does not necessarily reflect best practices. Aiming to exceed code will ensure homeowners benefit from a home that provides superior thermal performance for years to come.

Innovative do-it-yourself products are helping as well. The popular Roxul Comfortboard IS, for example, can help to achieve and exceed the new R-value requirements of the updated codes. The stone wool rigid sheathing board, when applied as part of a continuous insulation system, will help reduce thermal bridging, condensation, and energy loss. In a typical single-family building, wood studs make up 25 per cent of the wall surface, potentially allowing considerable heat transfer. Adding exterior continuous insulation will enhance your comfort and your savings. Non-combustible, Comfortboard IS also increases fire protection, withstanding temperatures up to 2,150˚F or 1,177˚C. It can buy valuable minutes in the event of a fire that are not necessarily afforded by minimum code.

Building and renovating beyond code gives homeowners, families and our communities the benefit of sustainable, efficient and safer buildings that will stand the test of time.

More information is available at

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