Join a book club with a twist

bookclub7363784Book clubs are popular because readers like to share their thoughts about the books they’ve read, and discuss the ideas or themes with other people. Recently the human rights organization, Amnesty International, launched a book club with a unique twist— it offers participants a special opportunity to make the world a better place.

What makes this book club so special, says Amnesty, is that after people read the book, they have the chance to take action to help other people in the same kind of situation.

And their reading will be informed by a discussion guide specially-prepared for book club members. According to Amnesty, it’s a unique combination.

“At its heart, our organization has always been about individuals taking action to protect the human rights of other people at risk,” says David Griffiths of Amnesty International Canada. “Our book club is very much in this tradition.”

It’s free to join as well, and every month participants receive the current month’s book recommendation, a discussion guide including background information and discussion questions, an action case on a current human rights issue, and notification of next month’s book. More information is available at

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