Combining form and function; a guide for picking the perfect TV

84218H_optIt’s an age – old debate – and often it takes place between an esthetically-inclined wife and a sports-obsessed husband. Should we, or shouldn’t we feature a television in our living room?

There are those who think TVs are an eye-sore and should be strictly relegated to the family room. While others don’t really see the purpose of a couch and two chairs if you can’t kick-back and enjoy the tube. But why do we have to choose?

These days, many top electronics companies are seamlessly combining form and function to create televisions that not only produce gorgeous picture quality but which are also esthetically pleasing. OLED (organic light-emitting diode) is the latest in television technology and is a vast improvement on LCD and plasma when it comes to picture quality. From the comfort of your living room, the crisp, clear picture of an OLED TV transforms everything from your favourite sporting event to the latest blockbuster into a real life experience.

Finally, the ‘home décor obsessed’ have a TV they are willing to hang in the living room. The LG Curved OLED does double duty as a television and a piece of art. Homeowners are saying that its sleek form and gentle curve looks like a masterpiece on the wall.

“This TV is beautiful enough to satisfy the design-oriented homeowner, with the picture quality to delight any home entertainment enthusiast,” says Melissa Lubert, the brand manager of home entertainment at LG Electronics Canada. “It’s as thin as a pencil, with a curve that ensures every seat in the room is the best seat in the house.”

Once you’ve picked your perfect TV, here are some tips for incorporating it into your space:

• Make sure you have picture perfect placement. Factors such as windows, lighting and furniture can all affect picture quality. The last thing you want is glare from the window.

• Is there such a thing as too big? There can be. Make sure you have enough room to support the size of your TV. Typically a 46 inch model would require viewer seating to be six to nine feet back for optimal viewing.

• The picture is important, but without crystal clear sound, the viewing experience will suffer. Make sure your TV has top-notch speakers or invest in a sound system.

More information is available online at

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