
4 steps to whiter teeth

Portrait of a woman laughing with a perfect teeth on a warmth background

A simple smile is all it takes to positively impact everyone’s day. Research shows that smiling can make you and others feel happy, and can even reduce stress levels in the body, by lowering the heart rate. There are several easy steps to achieve a healthy, vibrant smile from your diet, to your oral care routine, to the quality of your toothbrush.

Check out these tips to let your best pearly whites shine through

1) Start a white-teeth diet. Dark food and drinks tend to stain your teeth. So if you’re drinking a lot of black tea or red wine, you can expect to see it on your not-so-pearly whites. Start off by brushing your teeth immediately after having foods that stain.

Try an electric toothbrush with elongated bristles that allow for greater access to ensure a deeper clean.

2) Give your teeth an extra boost, because let’s face it, teeth aren’t always naturally white. There are several tooth whitening products that can help achieve goals of a whiter smile. For example, the Arm & Hammer Truly Radiant Rejuvenating Toothpaste is clinically proven to whiten teeth in just five days.

3) Make your brushing count. Many people don’t brush their teeth for long enough, which can lead to plaque buildup. Try humming your favourite song while you brush for two minutes to blast away unwanted plaque. It’s important to remember to use a fresh toothbrush. Replace your worn out toothbrush at least every three months to ensure it is safe and works properly. Trying rinsing your toothbrush after every use to prevent transferring bacteria.

Nothing spoils a beautiful smile more than yellow teeth so take these steps into consideration to achieve your whitest smile yet.

10 Romantic Dinner Ideas From A Chef Who Loves His Wife

romanticdinner30354050Written by:
Chef Todd Mohr

Its easy for me to share 10 romantic dinner ideas with you, because I cook this way almost every night. I only cook what I’m inspired to create, and my wife, Heather has always been the muse behind my creativity, from culinary college until today.

The most romantic meals have three elements; they are visually appealing, they are pleasing to the palate, and they include aphrodisiac ingredients for their effects, or just for conversation value.

For centuries, many foods have been associated with aphrodisiac qualities. Can certain foods actually excite you more than others? Perhaps theres more myth than medicine behind most of these stories, but other foods have been proven to have biological reactions similar to being in love.

Heres my top 10 romantic dinner ideas and why they made the list:

1) Raw (or almost raw) Fish Seared Ahi Tuna with Steamed Asparagus and Jasmine Rice – Raw fish can contain high levels of iron, perfect for testosterone production. Plus, Asparagus is packed with potassium, calcium, and Vitamin E, giving strength and stamina to the body. Plus, asparagus looks sexual. Ill leave it at that.

2) Black Beans – Sauteed Grouper, Black Beans with Goat Cheese, Sauteed Green Beans with Red Peppers – Black beans were outlawed by the Catholic Church in the 15th century because they were too nubile, too reminiscent of a fetus, and thus would excite passions and create sin. Black beans are high in protein and are said to increase fertility.

3) Oysters and Clams – Baked Clams or Oysters Casino – Shellfish have long been associated with fertility, and oysters a particular favorite of legendary lovers like Cassanova. Modern science tells us that oysters, clams, mussels and other bi-valves are loaded with zinc, key to performance for both sexes.

4) Scallops – Poached Scallops over Brown Rice – Oysters have gotten most of the lore and fame of aphrodisiac qualities that remain today. However, Scallops were thought the most potent fertility food even before oysters. The scallop shell became the symbol of fertility to medieval Christians. Aphrodite, the Greek goddess, as well as Venus, the Roman goddess of fertility and love are both associated with scallop shells through timeless artwork.

5) Herbs and Seasonings – Fresh Tomato Pie with Basil Chiffonade – Herbs and spices have always been rare and expensive, until modern day. Most explorers of centuries past were in search of herbs and spices. The more rare the item, the more lore and myth that surrounds it. However, fresh herbs release intoxicating aromas that awaken many senses beyond taste.

6) Eggs – Eggs Benedict with Hollandaise – Eggs ARE the symbol of birth. Its just about the only embryo we actually eat. Its not surprising that theyve long been associated with passion and fertility, as it was thought raw eggs consumed before consummation increased sexual vigor and fertility. Today, its known that the high quality protein found in eggs metabolize quickly in the body and aid in cell structure.

Plus, if you make Eggs Benedict for a loved one, I guarantee positive results!

7) Avocado – Poached Salmon with Angel Hair Pasta and Guacamole – The aphrodisiac lore behind avocados comes from its appearance. At the same time, they were seen as resembling a testicle by the Aztecs, and thought to be too suggestive of the curves of a woman to many other ancient cultures. The truth is that avocados have the highest level of protein you can find in a plant. Only animal proteins are greater.

8) Shrimp and Shellfish – Shrimp Cocktail with Fancy Sauces- One of the simplest meals to assemble, but the most effect from a romantic dinner idea standpoint, simple steamed shrimp can be one of the easiest and best meals. Lobster, crabs, shrimp and other shellfish are high in iron and essential fatty acids that are said to improve performance. An array of dipping sauces will give you a wide variety of exciting flavors, and an opportunity to share.

9) Hot Peppers – Hot Wings with Fresh Cut Fries Capsaicin, the heat in hot peppers, increases heart rate, dialates blood vessels, and deepens breathing. Eat some hot wings, or Indian Food, and your body will react as if youre in love.

10) Strawberries – Chocolate Covered Strawberries or Strawberry Crepes – Strawberries ARE the signal of Spring all over the world. They arrive when all the birds are singing, and the bees are gathering honey. The heart shape and sweet red juice of strawberries have given them special place in aphrodisiac lore. Combining strawberries and cream or chocolate gives you two elements to excite. If you feed strawberries to your loved one, then youre using them to their full effect.

To enjoy the great flavor and romantic qualities of chocolate, you dont have to wait for dessert. Adding Chocolate Chip Pancakes or Chocolate Scones to breakfast, Cocoa Mole Chicken BLT at lunch, and Mole Pesto Shrimp for dinner will enable you to have Chocolate at Every Meal.

Just because my wife supported me through culinary school so I could follow my passion doesnt mean I owe her a lifetime of dinners. She may think so, but she doesnt realize that learning to cook is not only a way to enjoy my passion, but its a way to express passion as well.

I’m excited to create new meals using aphrodisiac foods. You dont need to be a professional chef to prepare a meal for the one you love. You dont need to be Cassanova to be romantic. You just need some romantic dinner ideas and the rest will follow.

See the complete romantic dinner ideas video that shows each of the dishes mentioned above.

Alaskan King Crab-Amazingly Delicious Seafood

Fredh, Alaskan King Crab Legs on ice at a market

Written by: Richard Justin

Alaskan king crab is the most impressive types of crabs available in Alaska. There are three varieties of crab available in Alaska: the red king crab, the blue king crab, and the golden king crab. These species are caught commercially. Alaska seafood is famous for crabs. Cooking crabs is the most amazing experience. The person who likes to have Alaska seafood shellfish is the first choice. It is the first privilege. All the types of shellfish that are available in market crab is the first choice. It is highly appreciated and is very much in demand. Shellfish is very much large because of its large size cooking it is very much amazing experience. Shellfish is quite large and sweet and having large texture. Among all the shellfish Alaskan king crab is the most delicious one.

Alaskan king crab is 10 kg in weight approximately. So if want a party so it is quite good option for dinner. Now it is having very many facilities that you can order seafood online. If you are a seafood lover than you must have experience in fishing. Alaskan king crab fishing is very much dangerous task. The fishing season is very much short so good crabbers can catch it in a very much short time. It is very much exciting job to watch them at that time. But most of the people do not get a chance to do that.

Alaska seafood supply comes with different adventures. So it is very much amazing to watch that environment. Most Alaska seafood has available frozen all the time. However Alaska king crab is available when it is actually harvested. The most popular harvesting months are October and January. In actual season it can be last for four days but can also range from one week to two weeks.

Now you can get the frozen seafood also. Which is having all the nutrition value? Frozen food suppliers are very much available in market. Alaska seafood is the most consumed meat in America. Some vegetarian people eat seafood even. So that they can consume protein value. Now Alaska seafood is very much easily available you can find it online also. So enjoy Alaskan king crab.

Things About Gourmet

gourmet60493205Written by:
Lee Peterson

There are different kinds of classification when it comes to the standard of food. When people set on the standard of foods it may differ in some instances most especially in their taste. One of the common term they used when they classify the food standard is gourmet may be you are familiar with this kind of food if you are used to eat in high class restaurant. It is among the classification of high class food or drink. When you heard this kind of word you may think of a great preparation of food and you can be sure that it is tasty and can satisfy your appetite. Gourmet is also used in terms that described of great amount of food in which will be served. There are so many ways in which you can hear this kind of terms in which you usually means great or in high quality. The use of this term is not only limited for food but sometimes it is used to call a person in which is knowledgeable enough when it comes to food and food preparation.

The word gourmet is originally used in the French in which is referring to person who is a wine broker. There are people who this kind of terms without understanding them. When the time you heard this kind of term you can expect the best. When you are the kind of person who love to eat different kinds of food it would be your chance to search in the internet or may be you heard about the gourmet magazine. Those kinds of things can help you have more ideas about the word most especially if you are looking for high class kinds of food. It is also used as term to call people and those kinds of people are considered as heavy eaters.

There are things you need to remember when you used this kind of term because sometimes it can be offensive to some people. Gourmet is a term for food and sometimes used to call people and it means high, great and may be heavy eaters.

Good enough to eat

goodenoughtoeat_19053083Written by:
Helen Ellison


We are all familiar with vegetable flowers in the form of Cauliflower, Broccoli and Artichokes, but other, more ornamental flowers have been used in the cuisine of cultures all over the world for thousands of years. The Romans were keen on them, as were the ancient Chinese, and European medieval writings talk about feasts of venison cooked with marigolds and violets in salads.

Using peppery Nasturtium flowers in salads and sweet, perfumed rose petals in desserts is quite well known, but did you also know:

The young shoots of Hostas are good spinach alternative Hostakopita is a Greek spinach pie made with hosta shoots and in Japan nori maki sushi is filled with parboiled hosta shoots marinated in soy sauce, sugar & salt. They can also be steamed like asparagus. Only use young shoots though as older leaves are too tough.

Hemerocallis Day Lily the flowers and buds have a sweet nutty flavour and look pretty in salads. (Dont use other types of lilies though as they are poisonous!)

Violets & Pansies the sweet, fragrant flowers can be used in salads, desserts and drinks and can be crystallised for cake decoration.

Sunflowers we all know you can eat the seeds, but did you know you can also eat the buds & petals? The petals have a bitter-sweet taste and can be used in salads. The unopened buds can be steamed and have a flavour similar to artichokes.

Lilac the flowers have a floral, slightly lemony flavour and can be used in salads.

Honeysuckle the flowers have a sweet honey flavour and can be used as a garnish for salads and desserts. (Dont eat the berries though as they are poisonous).

Fuchsias the vibrant flowers look great as a garnish.

Campanula the narrow leaves make a sweet addition to salads.

Yucca the white flowers have a thick and crunchy texture and a sweet flavour. Be careful of the spines at the tips of the leaves when picking though!

Typha Reed Mace the young shoots taste similar to water chestnuts and the rhizome can be eaten raw or cooked, or dried and ground into flour!

Even the humble Daisies and Dandelions in your lawn can be picked and used as garnishes.

N.B. Its fun to use some of these more unusual edible garden plants, but do be careful you are sure what they are, as so many of our common garden plants are in fact poisonous. If in doubt, leave it out!

Also, never use insecticides or chemicals on plants you may want to eat, and make sure you wash them carefully first not least to get rid of the creepy-crawlies!

What do you know about Vodka?

vodka82415096Written by:
Dean Winchester


When you think about vodka you think about just hanging out with friends and having a great time. It is the time when people get together to share well times and create new memories. This is flavored drinks and cocktail hour.

Different Types of Vodka

Drinking vodka means that you have choices and options to the type that you are going to have. There are Russian vodkas, neutral vodka, flavored vodka and regional touch. With all of the brands of vodka that you have to choose from you may want to try them all to find a favorite. This can be especially tricky when you start looking at the vodka flavors that you have to choose from. The best vodka type is going to depend upon your taste. One that you may like to try is vodka red. The red vodka brands are special all on their own.

Popular Brands to Try

Perhaps you have seen brands other than Absolut when it comes to vodka but you may be undecided on trying something new. You can look at a vodka review to get an idea of which ones you may want to try so you can get an idea of what else is out there. A few are SKYY, Smirnoff and White Diamond. All great choices but, you are going to find that Absolut will rank number one and a little lower on the list is Stolichnaya. Again, good vodka does not need to be expensive as they are all a distilled drink.

Prices of Vodka

When you start to look at vodka prices you are going to notice that they can go from very cheap to very expensive. A vodka bottle can go from $20 or less (depending on the size and brand) to $60 and over. If you are looking to try something new you may want to check out a review to an idea on one that is expensive. That way you can make a decision on whether or not you want to even give it a chance.

Popular Vodka Drinks

Even if you do not like the taste of vodka on its own, you may like many of the mixed drinks that it is made with. It is even possible that you have a favorite and did not even know that vodka was in it. There are many vodka cocktails such as the salty dog, sex on the beach, screwdriver and even black Russian. Perhaps you have found your own vodka recipes that you like to create. These are a few of the more popular drinks that have people coming back for more. If you are worried about the calories in vodka than know that there are 64 to a shot and 69 in the flavored. Vodka mixes and vodka mixed drinks are going to be the ones that have the most calories in them.

A Few Facts

In the early 1800s, vodka made its appearance and it did not take long before it became a household name. The brand of Absolut has its very own Hollywood Star and they support different functions and national sponsorship. Although they advertise drinking they are also about supporting the community and promoting safe drinking.

Look what’s trending on the home fashion runways

83762_karl_lohnes_optWhat’s new and next on the home decor front and how to make it work for you? Karl Lohnes, a home interior and product designer who also dispenses decorating advice weekly on television, radio, in newspaper and magazines, says the following:

• Rugs with softer designs (less chevron and stripes) such as rounder images with cut and pile to add texture, are hot. Graphic designs will show up on tiles and draperies.

• Gold metallic is all the rage. To make it look less precious, try adding zinc or pewter to it.

83762_opt• Copper is emerging as a style statement for 2015. For example, a flash of copper metallic on your window treatments will add a 70’s appeal to the home.

• Mirrored furnishings and accessories are nothing new, but their finish is. Smokey, antiqued mirror finishes help to give the look of patina.

• Navy blue is being matched with a soft warm taupe as an accent, whereas before navy took on a crisper look by being teamed with fresh white.


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